Oct 29, 2022

PINTAR taps into collaboration with Australian training providers through partnership with Katalis

JAKARTA, 29 October 2022 – Indonesia’s leading workforce development platform PINTAR and the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA) Economic Cooperation Program Katalis are joining hands to expand skills training to corporate clients and individuals. Valued at 20 billion rupiah (AUD 1,977,000), the partnership will pave the way for online and in-person professional development courses by Australian technical and vocational education training that are especially tailored to the Indonesian context.

PINTAR is here specifically to harness the enormous potential in the workforce in Indonesia. This mission is also what drives us to continue to provide easy access to wider and higher quality education and training, complete with industry-appropriate credentials. Through the innovative partnership of PINTAR and Katalis, we’re aiming to provide accessible, effective and accountable education and training for Indonesian workers. We hope that the results can accelerate the increase in social mobility,” said Ray Pulungan, CEO, PINTAR, during a collaborative event with Katalis and the Australia Indonesia Youth Association (AIYA) themed #SabtuProduktif held at PINTAR Campus, Senayan, Jakarta.

Beginning in March 2023, potentially 3,000 Indonesian trainees will benefit from the Australian courses in the first year, with the possibility to reach wider cohorts and participants over the next three to five years. A total of 20 micro-credential courses in four high-priority sectors (agriculture, health, tourism and hospitality, and manufacturing) will be developed by Katalis, working closely with the selected TVET providers in Australia and with input from PINTAR.

By brokering the partnerships and assisting with the development of course content, Katalis seeks to meet the demands for workforce upskilling needs of Indonesian businesses and support the platform’s business model.

Our support for the partnership with PINTAR leads to mutual benefits for Indonesia and Australia. By addressing industry skills gaps and creating a better trained labour force, Indonesia’s human resource capabilities are improved, leading to more stable and higher-value employment. At the same time, we’re also assisting Australian TVET providers to enter the Indonesian market on a scalable and sustainable basis,” said Paul Bartlett, Director, ECP Katalis. In support of labour diversity in the workplace, the activity has also been designed for multiple target audiences, including women and people with disabilities.

Our goal is to maximise IA-CEPA benefits for Indonesia and Australia: improved market access, increased two-way trade and investment, and inclusive economic growth in Indonesia.

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© Copyright IA-CEPA ECP Katalis

Our goal is to maximise IA-CEPA benefits for Indonesia and Australia: improved market access, increased two-way trade and investment, and inclusive economic growth in Indonesia.

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© Copyright IA-CEPA ECP Katalis

Our goal is to maximise IA-CEPA benefits for Indonesia and Australia: improved market access, increased two-way trade and investment, and inclusive economic growth in Indonesia.

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© Copyright IA-CEPA ECP Katalis

Our goal is to maximise IA-CEPA benefits for Indonesia and Australia: improved market access, increased two-way trade and investment, and inclusive economic growth in Indonesia.

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© Copyright IA-CEPA ECP Katalis