March 4, 2024
Boost your career with Australian micro credentials
JAKARTA, 4 March 2024 – Indonesians will soon have access to a wider range of new international-level education options to boost their skills and career opportunities, thanks to a partnership between Indonesian learning platform BINUS Center and Queensland’s largest vocational education and training provider, TAFE Queensland. This new partnership makes BINUS Center one of the first Indonesian education institutions to offer and deliver micro-credentials developed by an Australian provider through its online platform.
As a well-established learning institution affiliated with BINUS Group, BINUS Center has operated in Indonesia for more than 30 years, providing training for individual and corporate clients. The partnership will see BINUS Center offering up to 12 new Australian-standard ‘micro-credential’ courses, which are self-paced, small, short-term courses ranging an average of three to six hours that upskill participants in targeted areas. The micro-credential will also include a synchronous online session facilitated by Binus Center. Among the course topics are diversity and inclusion in the workplace, cybersecurity, and conflict negotiation and management.
“We’re delighted to work with TAFE Queensland to expand our course offerings, to build necessary soft skills to help people enter the workforce or transform their careers. The best thing about micro-credentials is that they offer everyone the chance to gain skills, without the commitment or cost of a full qualification. All it takes is a willingness to learn,” said Gintoro, Education Services Director, BINUS Center.
The courses are being developed specifically for the Indonesian workforce and will be delivered in Bahasa Indonesia and English, with TAFE Queensland and BINUS Center collaborating to deliver an accessible, high- quality program for participants.
“This new model will involve us applying our extensive expertise in delivering industry-relevant training to Indonesia, aiming to assist even more people in advancing their careers. Inclusive vocational education and training is critical to a productive workforce, and we’re committed to building a strong partnership with BINUS Center, and Indonesia, to develop local skills,” said Russell McKay, General Manager TAFE Queensland International Education.
The new courses are being developed with the support of Katalis, a business development program established by the Indonesian and Australian governments to support implementation of the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement.
“The new arrangement between TAFE Queensland and BINUS Center will not only benefit thousands of potential participants, giving them essential skills for a modern workforce, but it also serves as a model for other potential bilateral partnerships in vocational training. By bringing Australian expertise to an Indonesian platform, we’re unlocking a vast range of potential commercial partnerships for Australian training providers and Indonesian businesses,” said Paul Bartlett, Director, Katalis.
The new partnership is one of many innovative new models being piloted by Katalis that supports Australia’s high-quality education providers to collaborate with Indonesian businesses to deliver localised education options for Indonesian workers, strengthening economic opportunities and links between Australia and Indonesia.
About Katalis
IA-CEPA ECP Katalis (Katalis) is a unique, five-year (2020-2025) government-backed business development program unlocking the vast potential of economic partnership between Australia and Indonesia. Katalis was established under the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement Economic Cooperation Program (IA-CEPA ECP). The program complements other Australian development programs with a commercially oriented, bilateral approach and places gender equality and social inclusion at the centre of everything we do.
About BINUS Center
BINUS Center has offered a significant number of competence-based trainings for individual and corporate clients since it was established as a division of BINUS Group in 1991. BINUS Center has broadened its course selection to include areas relating to business and soft skills in addition to its initial emphasis on IT studies. In addition to Jakarta, BINUS Center also has locations in Bekasi, Tangerang Selatan, Bandung, and Medan.
About TAFE Queensland
TAFE Queensland is an Australian training provider that offers practical, industry-relevant training across a range of industries from entry-level certificates to bachelor degrees for more than 140 years and across 60 campus locations. TAFE Queensland deliver training to over 126,000 students on site, online, in the workplace or on campus to give people the skills they need to enrich their communities, support their industries and strengthen their local economies.
Katalis Information and media contact
Ms Adhi Fitri Dinastiar | +62 822 2685 4874 |