January 30, 2023

Australian fintech SkyCredit Group eyes Indonesian electric two-wheelers market

JAKARTA/PERTH, 30 January 2023 – Katalis has announced its support for Australian fintech company SkyCredit Group to explore entry into the Indonesian market for electric motorcycles. The partnership would analyse the emerging electric two-wheel mobility market sector in Indonesia and identify opportunities for SkyCredit Group to engage based on their technological strengths.

“The market for electric two-wheelers in Indonesia is certainly a game changer in the transition towards the country’s transport decarbonisation. Despite the growing demand, however, financing options remain limited for the unbanked or underbanked population in Indonesia. With Katalis support, our value proposition would make electric two-wheelers more accessible, and in the long run contribute to a sustainable urban mobility system,” said Paul Walshe, Managing Director, SkyCredit.

Known for its “digital first” financial services that offers online direct-to-consumer credit focused on the near-prime risk segment of the Australian market, Perth-based SkyCredit makes a credible partner for engaging in an emerging market such as Indonesia, where the company seeks to enable credit sales of electric motorcycles and lower the barrier to entry for middle-to-low-income customers through affordable payment plans.

“Through Katalis support for the innovative fintech solutions offered by SkyCredit, we seek to encourage wider adoption of electric motorcycles in Indonesia, in line with the government’s vision of making electric vehicles more accessible to a broader market and meeting the decarbonisation goal,” said Paul Bartlett, Director, Katalis.

Already among the largest in the world, the Indonesian electric two-wheeler market is set to grow even faster as the government sets a goal of putting two million electric motorcycles on the roads by 2025.

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About Katalis
IA-CEPA ECP Katalis (Katalis) is a unique, five-year (2020-25) government-backed business development program unlocking the vast potential of economic partnership between Australia and Indonesia. Katalis was established under the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement Economic Cooperation Program (IA-CEPA ECP). The program complements other Australian development programs with a commercially oriented, bilateral approach and places gender equality, disability and social inclusion (GEDSI) at the centre of everything we do.

About SkyCredit
As a leading Australian based fintech company, SkyCredit Group’s experience and expertise in credit risk, data analytics and technology is underpinned and powered by it’s subsidiary entities being FinTech Services Australia, Fair Go Finance and One Card Credit. Founded in 2019, SkyCredit Group’s structure successfully facilitates the delivery of scalable, online and embedded finance products to transform and disrupt the Australian financial services landscape.

Information and media contact:
Adhi Fitri Dinastiar | +62 822 2685 4874 |

Our goal is to maximise IA-CEPA benefits for Indonesia and Australia: improved market access, increased two-way trade and investment, and inclusive economic growth in Indonesia.

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© Copyright IA-CEPA ECP Katalis

Our goal is to maximise IA-CEPA benefits for Indonesia and Australia: improved market access, increased two-way trade and investment, and inclusive economic growth in Indonesia.

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© Copyright IA-CEPA ECP Katalis

Our goal is to maximise IA-CEPA benefits for Indonesia and Australia: improved market access, increased two-way trade and investment, and inclusive economic growth in Indonesia.

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© Copyright IA-CEPA ECP Katalis

Our goal is to maximise IA-CEPA benefits for Indonesia and Australia: improved market access, increased two-way trade and investment, and inclusive economic growth in Indonesia.

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© Copyright IA-CEPA ECP Katalis