Mar 26, 2024

Investing for the Golden Age

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When Ben Cass first started Living Well Seniors Communities 10 years ago, private senior care service was a foreign concept in Indonesia. Fast forward to a decade later, the industry is on the verge of disruption, as real estate developers in Indonesian major cities rush to integrate the concept into emerging residential areas. As for Ben, he’s now looking to expand his business back to Australia. Check out his story on the latest episode of The Katalis Podcast.

The Katalis Podcast is produced by Katalis, a unique, government-backed business development program that unlocks the vast potential of economic partnership between Australia and Indonesia. Established under the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement, the Katalis Economic Cooperation Program complements existing Australian development program activities with a commercially oriented, bilateral approach, with a strong focus on gender equality and social inclusion.

Our goal is to maximise IA-CEPA benefits for Indonesia and Australia: improved market access, increased two-way trade and investment, and inclusive economic growth in Indonesia.

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© Copyright IA-CEPA ECP Katalis

Our goal is to maximise IA-CEPA benefits for Indonesia and Australia: improved market access, increased two-way trade and investment, and inclusive economic growth in Indonesia.

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© Copyright IA-CEPA ECP Katalis

Our goal is to maximise IA-CEPA benefits for Indonesia and Australia: improved market access, increased two-way trade and investment, and inclusive economic growth in Indonesia.

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© Copyright IA-CEPA ECP Katalis

Our goal is to maximise IA-CEPA benefits for Indonesia and Australia: improved market access, increased two-way trade and investment, and inclusive economic growth in Indonesia.

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© Copyright IA-CEPA ECP Katalis