About Katalis

Indonesia - Australia Growing Together

About Katalis

Indonesia - Australia growing

IA-CEPA ECP Katalis (Katalis) is a unique, five-year (2020-25) government-backed business development program unlocking the vast economic potential of the partnership between Australia and Indonesia. Established under the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement Economic Cooperation Program (IA-CEPA ECP), it complements existing Australian development program activities with a commercially oriented, bilateral approach.

Our goal is to maximise IA-CEPA benefits for Indonesia and Australia: improved market access, increased two-way trade and investment, and inclusive economic growth in Indonesia.

Who we work with

We work with partners from industries as diverse as agrifood, engineering and energy services to health and aged care.

What we do

We develop new market opportunities and inspire new business partnerships to drive trade and investment between Australia and Indonesia. We find opportunities to bring together the complementary strengths and ambitions of Indonesia and Australia to realise economic potential. We do this by sharing market insights, building skills and knowledge, providing technical advice, and supporting policy reform.

Our focus

Everything we do is underpinned by a focus on gender equality and social inclusion, including for people with disability

Greater market access for Indonesia-Australia business

We support greater, mutually beneficial market opportunities across both Indonesia and Australia. We contribute to implementation of the IA CEPA, helping governments to ensure the right enabling conditions to encourage trade and investment and boost business confidence.

Better integrated markets

Skills for recovery

Greater market access for Indonesia-Australia business

We support greater, mutually beneficial market opportunities across both Indonesia and Australia. We contribute to implementation of the IA CEPA, helping governments to ensure the right enabling conditions to encourage trade and investment and boost business confidence.

Better integrated markets

Skills for recovery

Greater market access for Indonesia-Australia business

We support greater, mutually beneficial market opportunities across both Indonesia and Australia. We contribute to implementation of the IA CEPA, helping governments to ensure the right enabling conditions to encourage trade and investment and boost business confidence.

Better integrated markets

Skills for recovery

Our values

Collaborative and complementary

We collaborate with partners to add value, multiply impact, generate goodwill, and share knowledge and success.

Diverse and inclusive

We embrace diverse groups and interests, and value all voices.

Creative and contemporary

We challenge conventional thinking and bring fresh ideas to old problems.

Optimistic and results-focused

We focus on tangible outcomes, brokering solutions and making a difference.

Resourceful and efficient

We use resources efficiently, effectively, and equitably to build on past and current investments.


We’re working to improve the trade and investment relationship, business to business connections and people to people links between Australia and Indonesia.

 Katalis is an Australian and Indonesian government initiative, being implemented by DT Global. We are overseen by the two goverments of Indonesia and Australia through the Economic Cooperation Committee (ECC). This committee is co-chaired by Bappenas(Indonesia) and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The Indonesian Ministry of Trade and Ministry of Foreign Affairs are also members of ECC.

We're supported by

Our goal is to maximise IA-CEPA benefits for Indonesia and Australia: improved market access, increased two-way trade and investment, and inclusive economic growth in Indonesia.

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© Copyright IA-CEPA ECP Katalis

Our goal is to maximise IA-CEPA benefits for Indonesia and Australia: improved market access, increased two-way trade and investment, and inclusive economic growth in Indonesia.

Subscribe to our newsletter

© Copyright IA-CEPA ECP Katalis

Our goal is to maximise IA-CEPA benefits for Indonesia and Australia: improved market access, increased two-way trade and investment, and inclusive economic growth in Indonesia.

Subscribe to our newsletter

© Copyright IA-CEPA ECP Katalis

Our goal is to maximise IA-CEPA benefits for Indonesia and Australia: improved market access, increased two-way trade and investment, and inclusive economic growth in Indonesia.

Subscribe to our newsletter

© Copyright IA-CEPA ECP Katalis