August 7, 2024
Professionalising Indonesia’s aged care workforce
JAKARTA, 7 AUGUST 2024 – A new business partnership announced today will create opportunities for Indonesian nurses to study in the booming aged care sector. The partnership will provide students with access to an accredited Australian aged care qualification, with practical experience delivered locally in Indonesia.
Supported by the Indonesia-Australia bilateral economic cooperation program Katalis, and led by Australian aged care provider Living Well Senior Communities, the new activity was announced during a visit by the Australian Ambassador to Indonesia, Her Excellency Penny Williams PSM, to a Living Well Seniors Communities facility in Citra Garden City, West Jakarta on 7 August.
“These kinds of innovative projects demonstrate the scope of opportunity in Australia’s partnership with Indonesia, by leveraging each side’s unique and complementary advantages, in this case Indonesia’s many willing and already well-trained nurses, with Australia’s world-class training systems. This genuinely impactful business partnership will give Indonesia’s seniors access to quality care and hopefully inspire other similar partnerships in this new and important space,” said Paul Bartlett, Director, Katalis.
The new activity will see Living Well Senior Communities partner with an Australian training provider to offer Indonesian nurses access to high quality training in aged care that to a standard that is accredited in Australia. The training will include 120 hours of practical work experience at the Living Well facility in Jakarta.
Indonesia’s rapidly ageing population is creating a surge in demand for aged care services, but there are not enough training opportunities available for carers. Living Well Seniors Communities will work with Binawan University, an East Jakarta institution with a long history as an internationally focused nursing university, to screen and recommend some of their recent nursing graduates as candidates. Program participants will receive an Australian-recognised Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing).
“At Living Well Seniors Communities, we take pride in the high-quality service offered by our trained professionals. With Katalis’s support, we are excited to expand our talent pool to include qualified Indonesian nurses who meet Australian educational standards and work experience requirements, and are equipped to assist our Indonesian clients and potentially also assist the needs of Australia’s elderly.” said Ben Cass, President Director, Living Well Seniors Communities.
The new Katalis-supported activity responds to the significant demographic shift underway in Indonesia, with the population aged over 65 years of age likely to double over the next 25 years, with people aged 65-79 expected to reach 31.6 million, and those over 80 to reach 5.5 million. Indonesia’s ‘silver economy’ is estimated to be valued at USD7.5 billion by 2025, and is expected to be the second largest in the world by 2030, after China (ERIA & BAPPENAS 2020).
About Katalis
Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA) Economic Cooperation Program Katalis (Katalis) is a unique, five-year (2020-2025) government-backed business development program unlocking the vast potential of economic partnership between Australia and Indonesia. Katalis was established under the IA-CEPA and complements other Australian development programs with a commercially oriented, bilateral approach that prioritises gender equality and social inclusion.
About Living Well Seniors Communities
Living Well Seniors Communities is a developer and operator of premium seniors living in Indonesia. Living Well Seniors Communities works with private and government institutions exploring the aged care sector to deliver professional outcomes that improve the livelihood of seniors.
Information and media contact
Ms Adhi Fitri Dinastiar, Katalis Communications Officer +62 822 2685 4874 |