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Informasi Aksesibilitas

Informasi Aksesibilitas

Informasi Aksesibilitas


22 Apr 2022

New study to map Indonesian-Australian medical tourism commercial partnerships

JAKARTA, 25 April 2022 – Katalis is funding a study to map commercial opportunities for Australian businesses in Indonesia’s nascent medical tourism industry, with a focus on Bali. A nod to Indonesia’s ambition to boost the sector, the study seeks to identify areas of mutual interest concerning provision of quality healthcare and talent demands.

Commencing in April 2022, the study will present a comprehensive analysis on specific areas of immediate needs and commercial wins within the country’s nascent medical tourism industry. It will also explore potential collaborations with Australian health and education providers, as part of the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA).

Medical tourism, including both preventative, operative, and postoperative treatments and procedures, presents an opportunity for Indonesia to work with world-class healthcare and education providers from Australia to assist in revitalising Indonesia’s health service offerings, lifting the potential of the overall health network.

With comparative advantage in the provision of world-class healthcare and education, and access to partnership as provided in the IA-CEPA, Australia stands ready to assist Indonesia in revitalising its health service offering and diversifying its economy by tapping into the medical tourism sector. Bali is a natural choice and can provide an entryway to look at market size and trends,” said Anthea Griffin, Australian Consul-General in Denpasar.

The study will especially identify key areas of collaboration for upskilling Indonesian workers in the medical tourism industry, many of whom are women. Development in the area is expected to catalyse job creation and provide increased opportunities not only for women but also for people with disabilities and those from minority groups.

Improving skills and competencies in the healthcare sector has benefits for patients as well as healthcare providers. We’re looking forward to working with the industry to identify specific needs and provide focused training, skills exchange, and productive connections between Indonesian and Australian health and education services providers,” said Paul Bartlett, Director of ECP Katalis.

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About Katalis

IA-CEPA ECP Katalis (Katalis) is a unique, five-year (2021-25) government-backed business development program unlocking the vast potential of economic partnership between Australia and Indonesia. Katalis was established under the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement Economic Cooperation Program (IA-CEPA ECP). The program complements other Australian development programs with a commercially oriented, bilateral approach and places gender equality, disability and social inclusion (GEDSI) at the centre of everything we do.

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Tujuan kami adalah untuk memaksimalkan manfaat IA-CEPA bagi Indonesia dan Australia: meningkatkan akses pasar, meningkatkan perdagangan dan investasi dua arah, serta pertumbuhan ekonomi yang inklusif di Indonesia.

Berlangganan Buletin Kami

Tujuan kami adalah untuk memaksimalkan manfaat IA-CEPA bagi Indonesia dan Australia: meningkatkan akses pasar, meningkatkan perdagangan dan investasi dua arah, serta pertumbuhan ekonomi yang inklusif di Indonesia.

Tujuan kami adalah untuk memaksimalkan manfaat IA-CEPA bagi Indonesia dan Australia: meningkatkan akses pasar, meningkatkan perdagangan dan investasi dua arah, serta pertumbuhan ekonomi yang inklusif di Indonesia.

Berlangganan Buletin Kami

Tujuan kami adalah untuk memaksimalkan manfaat IA-CEPA bagi Indonesia dan Australia: meningkatkan akses pasar, meningkatkan perdagangan dan investasi dua arah, serta pertumbuhan ekonomi yang inklusif di Indonesia.

Tujuan kami adalah untuk memaksimalkan manfaat IA-CEPA bagi Indonesia dan Australia: meningkatkan akses pasar, meningkatkan perdagangan dan investasi dua arah, serta pertumbuhan ekonomi yang inklusif di Indonesia.

Berlangganan Buletin Kami

Tujuan kami adalah untuk memaksimalkan manfaat IA-CEPA bagi Indonesia dan Australia: meningkatkan akses pasar, meningkatkan perdagangan dan investasi dua arah, serta pertumbuhan ekonomi yang inklusif di Indonesia.

Tujuan kami adalah untuk memaksimalkan manfaat IA-CEPA bagi Indonesia dan Australia: meningkatkan akses pasar, meningkatkan perdagangan dan investasi dua arah, serta pertumbuhan ekonomi yang inklusif di Indonesia.

Berlangganan Buletin Kami

Tujuan kami adalah untuk memaksimalkan manfaat IA-CEPA bagi Indonesia dan Australia: meningkatkan akses pasar, meningkatkan perdagangan dan investasi dua arah, serta pertumbuhan ekonomi yang inklusif di Indonesia.