Indonesia Australia Skills Development Exchange Pilot
March 7, 2024
Thursday, 10.00 WIB | Le Meridien, Jakarta
Indonesian workers now have a new avenue to gain work experience in Australia, with the opening of the revamped Indonesia-Australia Skills Development Exchange Pilot Project. This is part of the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding between Indonesia and Australia, amended in August 2023.
Professionals across seven priority sectors may be eligible for the program, including financial services and insurance; mining, engineering and related technical services; information, media and telecommunications services; tourism and travel related services; creative economy; agribusiness and food processing; and green economy.
Katalis and the Indonesian Employers Association (APINDO) kindly invite you to an upcoming socialisation about the related visa scheme.
For in-person attendance, please RSVP to Adhis: +62 822 2685 4874 or Aya: +62 813-1528-2449 (limited seats)