A bilateral skills partnership to drive profitability and empower women through leadership and gender equality training
May 2024 – February 2025

DAMRI is an Indonesian state-owned enterprise (SOE) in the transportation sector and is the largest public bus company in Indonesia. It has a rolling stock of over 3,000 buses and 58 branch offices. DeakinCo., an Australian skills provider that specialises in workplace leadership and gender training, is delivering women’s leadership and gender equality training courses for DAMRI.
DeakinCo. is developing the course specifically for DAMRI, informed by consultations with stakeholders during a site-visit to Indonesia to learn about training needs. The activity includes a train-the-trainer component to develop in-house Master Trainers, followed by training for DAMRI’s senior leaders and team leaders. This delivery model will build the capacity of DAMRI to continue rolling out the training at the completion of this activity.